My Blog List
IMPORTANT! You have been recorded ʍasturbating! I have Wildflowerwool
The last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers,
you downloaded and installed the vίrus I developed.
My p...
5 years ago
August Ending
Hello, peeps! (I’ve heard some people call people that. lol) today is
August 31st. the last day. tomorrow is September! and hopefully with the
new month co...
12 years ago
Quilters are Givers
Why would you cut up perfectly nice whole cloth fabric into little pieces,
spend hours deciding where to put those tiny pieces, more hours sewing and
14 years ago
Lay out fabric pieces according to design.
Always work from your design.
Make triangles into squares, squares into pairs, 2 pairs into a 4 square, 4 squares into 4 square pairs or bars, then bars into full block!
You can do it!
Checking for colour arrangement as you go. Trim seam allowances after sewing seam. Finger press to the dark side.
Any problem, ask me.
I love to see your work!
Those colours are fabulous! Who helped you put those together?
This quilt measures about a metre square when finished.
The vibrant colours make it a warm and bright quilt.
12" finished block (finished means not including seam allowance)
broken down into 16 - 3" (finished) squares
most of these squares are further broken down into triangles
Colour placement makes the picture of a large pinwheel or windmill.
Knitting with Louise: Monday evenings or Saturday mornings.
Quilting with Carrie: choose either Monday evenings or Thursday evenings.
+ check calender schedule on website for details and dates.