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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reversible Runner Class

Offered again this October 2010
The first TWO Wednesday evenings. 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm $30 plus materials

Saturday, September 11, 2010


This was my practise block for the fall class that had squashes and pumpkins in it. The stems are 3D. I thought the background was too loud and busy.
It isn't in the class project, so I made a small wall hanging or table topper out of it.
The clips are holding down the edging for me to hand stitch into place.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Scarecrow Wall Hanging

This is it!

The new Fall Class Wall Hanging for 2010.

I still want to add some appliqué, but mostly you can see how it looks.

The apple tree is set on point.

I gave the scare crow some 'hay' out his arms and hat and pant-legs.

The 'cabin' will be foundation pieced.

The crows... Yes they are crows! Not bats! The crows are a puzzle block, to prepare you for the harder Squashes puzzle block.

There is an extra 3D trim around the border.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Apple Tree

Well, I re-did the apple tree for the Fall Class Wall Hanging. I was not happy with the first one.
What do you think?
I think this apple tree is less colour chaotic with two greens and two reds in the tree instead of a mix of lots of scraps. And I prefer this clean blue background.
Having the challenge of re-designing and getting the whole wall hanging to make sense gives me a thrill.
I can always improve! Seems to be my motto.
Originally I was going to put a bushel basket with appliquéd apples around it on the bottom right under the tree, but I'm re-thinking that area.
How about a log cabin type of house?
Hmmm. I'll need to make a sample, to see if a log cabin house will dimensionally be balanced and complimentary to the overall 'look'.
I couldn't come up with a satisfactory foundation block of flying crows. It just won't work at all. I really want some crows flying over the scarecrow to give motion to the whole look. Probably I'm going to do a 'puzzle block' that will look like crows flying.